配料:2杯番茄酱(ketchup),2杯番茄汁(tomato sauce),1/4杯红糖(brown sugar),1 1/4杯 红酒醋,1/2 杯麦芽糖,4tsp 山胡桃风味液体熏烤调料,2tbsp黄油,1/2tsp 洋葱粉,1/4tsp辣椒粉,1tsp 红椒粉,1/2 tsp芹菜籽,1/4 tsp茴香粉,1/2tsp cayenne pepper,1tsp蒜粉
2杯番茄酱(ketchup),2杯番茄汁(tomato sauce),1/4杯红糖(brown sugar),1 1/4杯 红酒醋,1/2 杯麦芽糖,4tsp 山胡桃风味液体熏烤调料,2tbsp黄油,1/2tsp 洋葱粉,1/4tsp辣椒粉,1tsp 红椒粉,1/2 tsp芹菜籽,1/4 tsp茴香粉,1/2tsp cayenne pepper,1tsp蒜粉
提到堪萨斯城烧烤必须提到一个人,就是Henry Perry,他被奉为“堪城BBQ之父”。Perry家的烤肉店永远是门庭若市,即使在那个种族隔离的年代,白人也对Henry Perry牌烧烤趋之若鹜。他做的烤肉究竟有什么秘诀呢?他在一篇专访中说“我烤肉的时候会在炭火里加一些山胡桃木或橡木,这样烤出来的肉有一种特殊的烟熏美味。” 低温熏烤正是堪萨斯城BBQ受追捧的秘密所在。
The Arthur Bryant's Barbeque Story
Arthur Bryant, the legendary King of Ribs, is the most renowned barbequer in history. He created a sauce that has attracted the likes of former Presidents Harry Truman and Jimmy Carter to his restaurant . . . considered to be the best restaurant in the world by New Yorker columnist Calvin Trillin.
Since 1930 celebrities such as Steven Spielberg, Michael Landon, Robert Redford, Jack Nicholson, Wilt Chamberlain, Bryant Gumbel, Tom Watson and George Brett — and common folk alike — have made the pilgrimage to Arthur Bryant's to enjoy barbeque that's slow-smoked with a combination of hickory and oak woods, mellowed to the peak of flavor, then splashed with Original or Rich & Spicy sauce. Now you can enjoy these sauces with carefully guarded secret recipes at home, for the authentic taste of Arthur Bryant's barbeque.
Charlie Bryant started the Kansas City barbeque tradition, or some say it was Henry Perry for whom Charlie worked. Arthur visited his brother Charlie in KC and never left. Charlie owned the business after Henry died, then after Charlie died Arthur took over. Arthur first perfected the sauce ("I make it so you can put it on bread and eat it") and then opened the 18th & Brooklyn restaurant that was to become a legend.
After Arthur passed away in 1982 Gary Berbiglia and Bill Rauschelbach acquired the restaurant and have expanded the business while preserving the original Arthur Bryant's traditions and world-famous flavor. Arthur used to mix and store his sauce in big five gallon glass jars.
You can still see one in the window of the Brooklyn restaurant today;. As Gary Berbiglia puts it, "It's History."
Arthur Bryant’s这家店的创始人Arthur and Charlie Bryant兄弟俩就是Henry Perry的徒弟。这家店被《纽约客》的专栏作家Calvin Trillin称为“全美餐厅之首”,至今还是当今世界烧烤爱好者的朝圣地之一。从总统到明星,都是这个店的忠粉。堪萨斯城烧烤酱,则是腌制各种烤肉的必备调料,让人吃完烤肉还要舔干净手指才罢休。